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Mortise 2+ (IGM4)
Frequently Asked Questions
Product Manuals
What's included in the Mortise 2+ package
Lock Anatomy
Compatibility Guide for Smart Mortise 2+
Installation Guide for Mortise 2+
Drill Sheet for Smart Mortise 2+
See all 6 articles
Hardware Functionality
Factory PINS per Lock Model
Can I use rechargeable batteries?
What happens to the Smart Mortise 2+ during a power trip (ie. electrical blackout)?
The touchscreen of the Smart Mortise 2+ is smooth and reflective, such that fingerprints can be left on the lock, making it easy to guess the password. Is there any features that prevent someone from guessing my pin codes?
Is the igloohome Smart Mortise 2+ tested for fire-safety?
See all 20 articles
Feature and How To Videos
How to activate/deactivate Keypad Disabled Mode?
How to activate/deactivate auto-relock on the Mortise 2+
How to register a fingerprint access
How to perform the Emergency Jumpstart
Issues and Troubleshooting
What happens if I lose my physical key?
Can I get a part replacement?
Why is my lock not locking?
My batteries have completely run out and I am locked outside my house. What can I do?
Why are there beeping sounds when I try to unlock the door?
See all 6 articles
UK PSTI Act Declaration of Conformity