SmartSequence™️ is an advanced feature derived from an existing feature Sequential Unlock, which ensures greater accessibility for users. This upgrade will additionally provide the Push Pull Mortise (MP1F) with a two-way automated unlock feature for entering and leaving the property.

Minimum Igloohome App Version
Minimum MP Version
MP09 or higher

The first 2 digits that come right after the lock's BTID will indicate the MP version of the lock. 

For example: For MP1F09xxxxxx, the lock is MP09

Lock ModelMinimum Firmware Version required
Gate lock (RM2/RM2F)


Push Pull Mortise (MP1F)


MP09 and higher would be notified to update firmware before setting up SmartSequence.

How to enable SmartSequence™️:

  • Ensure both RM2/F and MP1F are of minimum FW version.

    If you are not on the updated FW version, you 
    will be prompted on the UI to update prior to proceeding with SmartSequence™️ setup

  • Toggle the SmartSequence™️ on under RM2/RM2F Settings page.

  • Select MP1F from the list

  • Confirm settings 

  • After a successful link, you should be able to sequentially unlock the door and the gate consecutively by using the back button.


How to disable SmartSequence™️ :

  • Toggle the SmartSequence off under RM2/RM2F Settings page.       


How to activate SmartSequence™️ :

1. For ENTRY (RM2F) - Fingerpint, RFID or PIN code

2. For EXIT (MP1F) - Multi-function button